Monday, February 2, 2009


My brothers and sisters,
Thank you so much for praying...GOD IS GOOD!!! My cousin Cassie and her friend were airlifted to a hospital last night, their breathing was really shallow. But this morning they became conscious! My cousin has a broken pelvis, cuts, things like that, but she's going to be okay!! They might even take her off the ventilator today! Originally we thought Cassie was the passenger in the car (the passenger sustained substantially more injuries than the driver), but it turns out the other girl's mother came in before my aunt Peg and incorrectly ID'd them--Cassie was really the driver. God is good--her boyfriend had gotten out of the backseat and into a different car right before the accident--he would have been dead, because the backseat was completely gone.
Thank you all so much for your prayers to our Awesome God! Please continue to pray that this will be a wakeup call to my cousin, and that she'll cry out to Jesus to save her!
Love you all,

Click my blogs! Here:  ...and here:  ...C'mon, you know you want to...  ;-P

My cousin Cassie was just in a serious car accident in North Carolina--she was a passenger in a car that was hit by a bus. She is now unconscious, being rushed to the hospital--they've airlifted her, her breathing is really shallow... Though her parents are saved, she is def not... I'm trying to trust God, please pray for her--she is 17 and living in open defiance of Him...Thank you all, please pass this on to anyone you can!

Click my blogs! Here:  ...and here:  ...C'mon, you know you want to...  ;-P

1 comment:

Josh said...

Chelsey, please keep the updates coming. Thanks and God bless!