Friday, January 30, 2009


I've been too busy to blog. I now work six days a week, almost six hours a day (and of course the six hours I work are the ones that are smack-dab in the middle of the day), and I'm so behind in my lesson plans that it's not even funny. Sometimes the kids read the stories before I do... It's a good thing I have a good memory (only when it comes to literature), and if I read a story three years ago and haven't looked at it since, I can still write up questions for it from memory. *Sigh*...if only my brain worked that way with math...

So now I'm back on facebook. It's nice to be connected to everyone, since I'm now an alumnus, and don't see everyone on Thursday anymore. The winter concert is tomorrow night, and I was listening to them all practice last night--I miss singing! :0(

I'm starved, I have to go eat before I keel over; I don't know when I'm going to get a chance to blog next...

1 comment:

Josh said...

Chelsey, I am pleased to know that you are getting hours--more than I have when I work now... However, I know that it must be hard on you to have so much to do, as you are teaching class. Isn't it so intriguing that our minds are sharp in certain areas, but not so in others? I am glad you have a keen mind in Literature, though.

Chelsey, it is good to know that you are doing well spiritually. Personally, I thought last night was excellent, especially since there are few places I trust that have a guniune desire to exalt the Lord without seeking other things first. That is what life is about--worshiping the Lord! God bless!