Tuesday, December 16, 2008

People Probably won't Peruse this Post of Preposterous Ponderings

My friend and fellow blogger Elisabeth tagged me in a game...I must blog about ten things that start with the letter "P". Well, here goes...

Pickerel; Apparently they're some sort of fish <>< --it jumped into my mind, because I've been teaching Walden to my students, and Thoreau is constantly talking about pickerel--don't believe me? Go read the section entitled "The Lake"--though I recommend that you're good an' bored and have a long afternoon of nothingness stretching out before you if you want to attempt it.

Pluto; The nineth pla-- ...no, wait. It's not. Which is quite inconvenient, because all my life the acronym has been "My very educated mother just served us nine pickles." But now some scientist with nothing to do decided to make trouble for second-graders across the continent, and now it can't be nine pickles, and it can't even be pickles, because there aren't nine of them anymore, and there's no "P" for Pluto!!!! [*pant, pant*] Why did they have to pick on poor little Pluto anyways? Because of its size? Granted, it's so small that sometimes we couldn't figure out which one was the moon and which one was the planet, but, hey! if we went around with the philosophy that anything that is small is unimportant, we'd be in a heap of trouble; Case in point: can you imagine if we decided that--say--dimes were unimportant, just because of their relative smallness to the other coin forms of legal tender? What the heck would we have to lose between car seat cracks--what would keep the old french fries company? What would we put into gumball machines? And, most importantly, what would we play poker with? (Quarters? No way--I'm not that good at poker...). Or Rhode Island--what if we decided it wasn't a state just because it's the smallest? Who would take away all the garbage of the poor people of R.I. if the federal government refused to do so because it was no longer part of the union? Who would repair traffic signals? MILLIONS MIGHT DIE FROM THE STENCH OF UNCOLLECTED GARBAGE AND ACCIDENTS CAUSE BY BROKEN STOPLIGHTS--it would be a CATASTROPHE!!! So; I hope I've made myself clear--it wasn't fair to plutoize an entire planet... (And yes, that is a legitimate word.)

This is my dear friend Peter Elwood ("P-Wood")--yeah, he's a little weird, but I have to say that my life would probably be a string of one monotonous event after another if it wasn't for him and his randomness (uh, yeah, on that note, don't ask about the purse...); For example, the other day I was in the mall with a bunch of friends--mostly guys--including Peter. We went into Claire's (yeah, guys in a girls' boutique is kinda weird, but we were bored). When we went to check out, the girl at the cash register just looked at Peter and started laughing. Not a polite laugh that you might be able to cover up as a cough--I mean a full, belly, double-over-uncontrollably kind of laugh. None of us knew why--we all just kind of looked at each other, Peter was like, "Uh, did I miss something...?" Pretty soon we were all laughing--except Peter was kind of venturing uncertain chuckles. I told the lady not to worry, because things like that usually happen to people when Peter walks into a room... We still don't know why she was laughing--even though as I was walking out of the store she told me to tell Peter that she wasn't making fun of him or anything--she was just laughing at him... (Whatever that means!) Sure. "It's okay," I tossed behind my shoulder. "You weren't making fun of him, but I was!"

Pictures; I love taking them, I hate being in them. 'Nuff said.

Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis: The longest word in the English dictionary. What is it? Well, to be specific, it's Black Lung Disease... Now couldn't they just say "Black Lung Disease"? (...Well, the answer is obvious--No! because then I wouldn't have anything to blog about. It's not like I have much now...)

Philemon; Good book. Read it some time when you have ten minutes--seriously, that's all the time it takes. A very convicting mini-message about forgiveness.

Pursuit of Happyness; Ok, I cheated a little on this one, it is The Pursuit of Happyness. But if you were to look it up in an index somewhere, it would probably be listed as "Pursuit of Happyness, The", so I think I'm safe. One of my favorite movies of all time with one of my favorite actors of all time (and it's because Will Smith is an amazing actor that he's one of my favorite--let's not get any ideas about me thinking he's "hot" or any such nonsense. Some of the "ugliest" people in Hollywood are my favorite actors--because of their ability, obviously, not because of their looks; just wanted to straighten that out.) Anyways, I just revisited it last night. I love movies where the acting is not distracting because it's phenomenal. That is also the movie that got be obsessed with the Rubik's cube two years ago. Who'd'a thunk that the title of one of my favorite movies would be misspelled? Go figure.

"Puh-puh-puh...GOLFCART!"; This is how my little three-year-old sister "sounds out" words (she hears her big five-year-old sister learning how to read, and wants to join in the action.) So she'll pick a random sound, and say it before a word that in no way, shape, or form begins that word. "Luh, luh, luh...TREEHOUSE!" she proclaims triumphantly as she swings up the rungs of the ladder into our mullberry tree. "Zuh, zuh, zuh...ZBANK!", "Puh, puh, puh....PNEUMONIA!" ...Well, not really. :-P But it's impossible to convince her that the sound she says before the word has to be the first sound of the word. Guh, guh, guh...WHATEVER!

Pre-paid Tracfone; What I got my father for Christmas--he really needs one. A phone for ten bucks? How cool is that?! I had to get one with really big numbers so he can see them, and the biggest buttons I could find so that his round somewhat arthritic (yeah, I think he punched too many brick walls in his B.C. days...) fingers can actually press the correct buttons... ;0)

Pearls of Lutra; This is the saddest book in the Redwall series--I almost cried when I read it, and anyone who knows me knows that I don't cry. I don't understand why he made the ending so sad... You know Brian Jacques is a good writer if he can get me to cry about talking otters, hares, and moles, of all things.
Well, that about does it for me--that wasn't as easy as it sounded! Thank you, Lizzy for tagging me--I really got a kick out of it, even if no one else did... ;-P


rachelise said...

Let me make a very educated guess about what you're going to do tomorrow: See "Seven Pounds." I'm pretty anxious to see it, because the trailer was SO intriguing. And I'm not even the biggest Will Smith fan, either.

Sunflash said...

So who died in Pearls of Lutra that made you cry? I haven't read that book in forever.

Josh said...

Chelsey, you portrayed those words in a pretty pleasing point. Please permit me to perhaps point out one thing pertaining to your title--you provided six "P's" and not seven.

chelsey said...

Um...what's your point? I never said anything about seven "P"s...

Rach, did you see Seven Pounds? How was it?!

Andy, can't remember who dies, but it's def my least favorite, right up there with The Legend of Luke and Loamhedge--in which pretty much everyone dies, if I remember correctly...

Sunflash said...

Okay, we definitely already had that conversation. Like on Friday.

Josh said...

It would have been an extra feat on your part to do it like that, especially as you had six already.