Friday, August 28, 2009

Curiouser and curiouser...

I just realized that I am starting school next week. While this has produced in me a myriad of feelings (not to mention a sudden scramble for my books...), it's not exactly how I expected. I feel nervous, yes, but it's more...anticlimactic is really the word. All my years of high school building up to this single moment, and, *poof*! I still can't find a book bag to suit my needs...

College isn't going to be much different than high school, I feel. Oh yeah--except for that part about how I'll be in a classroom with other people, and have a teacher and stuff--and I'll be learning how to talk with my hands. XD But books are books, and papers are papers.

And algebra is algebra. Ah, yes, my old nemesis, we meet again. Maybe I'll actually begin to understand you a bit...And then we shall no longer be enemies. :)

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