Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Here I Am (...or should it be "Here Am I"?)

...At college.


Nay for late profs.

Yay for internet in the library.

So yay in general, I guess...


Friday, August 28, 2009

Curiouser and curiouser...

I just realized that I am starting school next week. While this has produced in me a myriad of feelings (not to mention a sudden scramble for my books...), it's not exactly how I expected. I feel nervous, yes, but it's more...anticlimactic is really the word. All my years of high school building up to this single moment, and, *poof*! I still can't find a book bag to suit my needs...

College isn't going to be much different than high school, I feel. Oh yeah--except for that part about how I'll be in a classroom with other people, and have a teacher and stuff--and I'll be learning how to talk with my hands. XD But books are books, and papers are papers.

And algebra is algebra. Ah, yes, my old nemesis, we meet again. Maybe I'll actually begin to understand you a bit...And then we shall no longer be enemies. :)

Monday, August 17, 2009

Twu Wuv & Mawaige...


Like, a bunch of my friends are getting married.

...I feel old.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Ahh, Mr. Eliot...

This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper.

I don't have time for blogging now. But I love this poem. Wish I had time to put all of it here...

I'll get back to blogging...eventually. Right now instead of being profound, I'll settle for copying the profundities of others... Like Mr. Eliot here.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Prayer Request

My little sister Mercy was taken to the hospital yesterday (she is three). She had the flu which turned into pneumonia; one of her lungs is completely filled with fluid, and it permeated into the cavity around the lungs and the heart. She's in critical condition in ICU, knocked out on antibiotics and morphine. She is on a ventilator. They're hoping they don't have to do surgery to drain the fluid from her; hopefully the antibiotics will take care of that.

The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective. I'm actually really concerned about my siblings; my parents let slip something about "if Jesus takes Mercy", and they all freaked out. I'm kind of mad at my rents for scaring the kids with that. I have faith that it's not as bad as that, and that Jesus is going to heal her.

Please pray, and thank you in advance. The last person I posted about for prayer, Cassie, is doing much better, and will hopefully be coming home soon. Again, James 5:16.


Monday, February 2, 2009


My brothers and sisters,
Thank you so much for praying...GOD IS GOOD!!! My cousin Cassie and her friend were airlifted to a hospital last night, their breathing was really shallow. But this morning they became conscious! My cousin has a broken pelvis, cuts, things like that, but she's going to be okay!! They might even take her off the ventilator today! Originally we thought Cassie was the passenger in the car (the passenger sustained substantially more injuries than the driver), but it turns out the other girl's mother came in before my aunt Peg and incorrectly ID'd them--Cassie was really the driver. God is good--her boyfriend had gotten out of the backseat and into a different car right before the accident--he would have been dead, because the backseat was completely gone.
Thank you all so much for your prayers to our Awesome God! Please continue to pray that this will be a wakeup call to my cousin, and that she'll cry out to Jesus to save her!
Love you all,

Click my blogs! Here:  ...and here:  ...C'mon, you know you want to...  ;-P

My cousin Cassie was just in a serious car accident in North Carolina--she was a passenger in a car that was hit by a bus. She is now unconscious, being rushed to the hospital--they've airlifted her, her breathing is really shallow... Though her parents are saved, she is def not... I'm trying to trust God, please pray for her--she is 17 and living in open defiance of Him...Thank you all, please pass this on to anyone you can!

Click my blogs! Here:  ...and here:  ...C'mon, you know you want to...  ;-P

Friday, January 30, 2009


I've been too busy to blog. I now work six days a week, almost six hours a day (and of course the six hours I work are the ones that are smack-dab in the middle of the day), and I'm so behind in my lesson plans that it's not even funny. Sometimes the kids read the stories before I do... It's a good thing I have a good memory (only when it comes to literature), and if I read a story three years ago and haven't looked at it since, I can still write up questions for it from memory. *Sigh*...if only my brain worked that way with math...

So now I'm back on facebook. It's nice to be connected to everyone, since I'm now an alumnus, and don't see everyone on Thursday anymore. The winter concert is tomorrow night, and I was listening to them all practice last night--I miss singing! :0(

I'm starved, I have to go eat before I keel over; I don't know when I'm going to get a chance to blog next...